Monday, 20 April 2015

Purifying Your Restaurant Water

Good water quality is essential to a successful restaurant operation. Since tap water isn’t purified, local water suppliers usually add disinfecting chemicals such as chlorine to make it safe for drinking. Disinfectants give the water an unpleasant taste and odor, however; many restaurants try to mask this by increasing the amount of powders or syrups they mix with it.

This explains why there are restaurants that serve drinks that taste too strong. In addition, the method leads to inconsistencies in beverage flavor, which can be dissatisfying for customers. A highly effective water treatment system like reverse osmosis (RO) can significantly enhance water flavor and taste consistency for mixed beverages.

RO systems work by forcing water through a synthetic semi-permeable membrane designed to attract water molecules and filter out dissolved impurities smaller than these molecules. The technology rids water of all sorts of contaminants such as parasites, pesticides, and inorganic chemicals. It also removes heavy metals that form scales on water devices like ice machines and steamers, which catalyze premature wear.

Water taste is improved not only by eliminating the need for disinfectants; RO oxygenates the water as well, giving it a lively, fresh taste. So if you’re planning to install your own onsite water treatment or replace the one you have with something more effective, consider an RO system this time.

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